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What’s Intent?

Every action has equal and opposite reaction but today we need to know the intent behind an action to react properly. If you can understand the intent you are smart. So what’s the intent, how do you understand it? It’s a thought, an idea, a concept which can be derived from the context by reading between the lines or understanding the gestures. It’s understanding of “I in you”.
Understanding intent leads to providing the best solution for a problem, it leads to innovation. For example, searching for a restaurant on mobile phone has an intent and providing the best search result based on the context/location is innovation. In design paradigm every entity drawn on the canvas has some intent and it can be modified meaningfully only if one understand the intent of the entity. But when author is changed or the tools to modify these entities are changed, most often intents are lost. Capturing intent from actions develops knowledge base and developing knowledge base helps us understand the intent better.
Welcome to my first edition of Intent.


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